Vickie Meade Therapy Services
Contact Us
Vickie Meade Therapy Services (VMTS) specializes in the kinesiology of lifespan development. VMTS focuses on practical solutions to the challenges which face families of both children and adults with extra needs.
VMTS offers educational programs and materials to assist families with early screening to life long planning for the optimal health of their family member with special needs.
Recently VMTS has begun to offer services in Asia in addition to the United States, Canada and Australia (see course and presentation information)
For more information please contact:
Vickie Meade Therapy Services
+61 402 493 324 (mobile in Australia)
P.O. Box 170
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
U.S. Phone:
Phone: 218-485-3131 (leave a message)
(Please email to set up an optimal time to call if you wish to speak directly to Dr. Meade)