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Screening between four and six months of age using the Meade Movement Checklist (MMCL) by Vickie Meade PT, DSc, MPH, PCS


Meade et al (2009) demonstrated that inviting parents to attend community clinics indicated that parents with concerns attended more often than parents without concerns (X2=6.43, p=.011) resulting in high levels of sensitivity (91.4% ) and positive predictive values (70%). Focusing on parents with concerns (Meade et al 2012) increased both sensitivity (94.1%) and positive predictive values (85.7%). Concerned parents attended clinics and were referred to services at an increased rate (27%) over usual screening referral rates (1-6%).


**Download free copy of award winning research using the MMCL: Identifying Infants at Risk in Community Screening. Pediatric Physical Therapy 2009;21:150-157 and Modifying the Parent Evaluation of Development. 2012 both on the publications page


Download free poster of research paper using the MMCL: Poster.pdf Download free abstract of research using the MMCL: Abstract pdf.





  • primary screening tool that requires other evaluations to make a diagnosis

  • designed to identify developmental delays between four and six months

  • Excludes normal, typically developing infants from further evaluation




  • four to six months of age, 16-24 weeks optimal window




  • criterion and norm referenced




  • 27 items cover vision, attention, fine and gross motor movements, personal-social and communication areas of development




  • Observation: both health and lay professionals can be trained to observe and guide items which are performed by the parent




  • each item is performed according to criteria and is either present or not present (emerging). Each item which is emerging is scored as (1) risk point 0-8 points is optimal range

  • Total possible risk points of 27




  • infants who score more than six emerging points are referred for a detailed evaluation. If an infant scores more than six points, and the parent is not concerned, the infant should be rescreened, and the parents contacted for followup information. Screener must have current reliabilility certificate for these scores to be valid.




  • over 89% agreement with training; ICC .82 (training video available- see products)

  • standardized scoring on 447 infants

  • norm referenced on 998 infants (1998) -Excellent negative predictive value of 99.3%

  • predictive validity to Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID) at 12MO -70% positive predictive validity to BSID II at 6 months when parents are concerned




  • easy to learn, quick to administer (5-15 minutes)

  • involves parents who handle their own infant

  • provides opportunity to educate parents and caregivers

  • good reliability and validity




  • takes training for screening scores to be considered reliable and valid

  • narrow time frame to administer (2 month period)


Download free information: MMCL.pdf


PURCHASE : Contact Dr. Meade at

@2025 Vickie Meade Therapy Services

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