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Course Descriptions


The Who, What and Why of Infant Screening, Support and Treatment for Communities (2 days)

Want to reduce your waitlists with checks for newborn, 7 weeks, 3 and 4 months?

Reduce waitlists and streamline support with the Meade Movement Checklist


Day 1; Learn the Meade Movement Checklist

          -Determine the exact areas of support required by using a clear checklist specifically for infants during the critical period of       


Day 2: Simplify Family Support and Infant Treatment

          -Learn new strategies for families to use in everyday environments 

          - Simplify strategies to better support families for optimal child development

          - Simplify support to strengthen parent child relationships


Course reference: Handouts and Book 'Helping Babies Help Themselves'



Partners in Movement: The Case Detective (2 days)
Become a case detective! Entice parents into the treatment process through the use of “guided participation”, interviews and planning with families. Explore and apply theories of treatment through ‘ video’ case studies representing several types of disabilities. Lecture and video will be used to apply principles of kinesiology to clinical case decision making in long term case studies. Come prepared to be an active learner!


Course reference: ‘Partners in Movement: A family centered approach to pediatric kinesiology’ (see Products)


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Level II. Integrating Kinesiological and Functional Models in Upright: Challenges for the child in upright (2 days)
This course received high marks for the excellent review of the literature and the new long term planning perspective. The instructor reviews Level I principles, and presents the kinesiology and muscle theory as it applies to movement of the child in upright during day one. The ‘best of’ recent research on assessment strategies for the older child is reviewed on day two pluslong term planning updates participants on literature gems and clinical applications through case studies and working with families, caregivers and schools. Practical carryover of ideas into everyday activities is a focus. The participants will enjoy the family stories of powerful and unique perspectives on successful partnerships over 15 years and longer.


Course references: Level II ppt. and readings. Download Sample outline


See what past participants have to say!


Supporting People with Disabilities Across the Lifespan: Impact of Aging on Participation and Quality of Life
Participants will be offered an opportunity to synthesize the evidence for life span changes in the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, functional, social, self-esteem, and family status of adolescents and young adults with disability during this one day course. Analysis of common problems in three disability areas, implications for practice across the first decades and reflection on future research will be presented. Common myths and fallacies of aging with a disability will also be discussed.


Course reference: Powerpoint Pdf.



Handwriting on the Wall (1 day)
Difficulty with handwriting is a frequent reason that children are referred to occupational therapy. The physical therapist’s role in the assessment and intervention process is less well recognized. An OT and PT collaborated to design a single subject evaluation of a multi-disciplinary treatment approach to handwriting problems in a 13-year-old student with a primary diagnosis of learning disorder. The design and results of this single subject research are presented as part of this one day course. A review of the handwriting literature, the performance-based assessment/intervention mode developed and evaluated, and strategies developed by the team for adaptation of therapeutic and maintenance activities in natural environments are also included. Learning experiences are provided through lectures, discussion, audio-visuals, handouts, and participation labs.


“We thought we might change his handwriting, instead we changed his world”




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The Growth of Self-Regulation (1 day)
Explore the world of the infant from the infant’s point of view. Participants will focus on the first years of life and the issues of self-regulation which infants are learning over this exciting time. Parents and infants are intertwined during this dynamic period of development, so parent perceptions will be an integral part of the day. Early models of infant assessment, which use parent participation, will be explored. Evidence in clinical case decision making will be applied through case studies and problem based learning as participants choose treatment objectives and family centered home programs.


Course reference: Course Powerpoint pdf.


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Red Flags, Snags and More (1 day)
A comprehensive review of currently available screening tests, including the Meade Movement Checklist (MMCL) and parent based screening tools, is covered in this one day course. Research evidence for each test, in addition to new research on the MMCL, will be presented. Participants will experience interactive, problem based learning through the involvement of parents and infants of various ages, in an active screening process. Participants may also gain a beginning training in the Meade Movement Checklist as part of this day. Course organizers may choose, as an option, to focus on screening instruments for ages zero to five years, without including the MMCL reliability training component.


Course reference: Screening Manual and 'Helping Babies Help Themselves' 


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Creating Working Partnerships across environments (1 or 2 day)
This course is open to all team members and focuses on 0 to 3 (day one), and 3 to 8 years. The coursework includes the unique issues of development common to all domains of function, including motor, and the environments of home, daycare and schools, where young children spend time. Partnerships between specialists, the families, daycare and school providers will be examined through the process of ‘questions’. Active listening will form the basis for planning with caregivers in multiple environments. Considerations relevant to this population include issues of communication between home and school environments as part of ongoing and successful partnerships. Team problem solving emphasizes the functional tasks of the child. Practical strategies and common issues will be presented using case examples and a solution -oriented format. The group will enjoy exploring common myths and fallacies of partnerships interwoven during the course. One day also available.


Course reference: Creating Partnerships Manual


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@2025 Vickie Meade Therapy Services

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